
Calumet’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) describes the standard of ethical business conduct expected from all officers, directors, and employees of Calumet, Inc. and their affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, the “Company” or “Calumet”). The Code explains who we are, what we do, what we believe, and what we plan to accomplish. It establishes a common understanding not only for those of us who work here but for all who interact with.

Download the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics >

Calumet’s Compliance Committee

Calumet has established a Compliance Committee which oversees Calumet’s Compliance programs. This Committee is chaired by the Corporate Compliance Officer and is comprised of leaders from across our business teams and functional support departments.

Ethics Helpline

Report any suspected violation of the law or Calumet policies. There are no negative consequences to raising concerns in good faith, and Calumet assures employees that no retaliation will take place. Your report to the helpline is confidential and you may remain anonymous. Call 1-844-836-2503 or visit